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- About
Community fridges, in their basic form are a way to share food within a community, with the aim of reducing food insecurity. It allows people to anonymously collect what they need while leaving what they can, it does not require referrals and there is no “means” testing.
East Belfast Mission's Community Fridge can be found in the community garden of the Skainos Centre and you are welcome to visit us between 9am and 12 noon every weekday. Anyone is welcome and we never judge or ask questions; we can also refer you to our other services if you are struggling with mental health, employment, housing or family stresses.
Food is donated to us by local businesses including Allied Bakeries, Marks & Spencer, Sainsburys and Life Hub NI. Our new Community Fridge building was generously funded by Whitemountain, Aughrim, Benefact and Co-Op.